The Ultimate Sound Editor for Macintosh or PC. Unisyn is a universal MIDI device editor/librarian. Supporting over 217 MIDI devices Unisyn gives you the most comprehensive sound management features available on the Macintosh, including seamless integration with Performer. "For overall performance, ease of use, and breadth of support there's nothing better." - Electronic Musician.
Why spend hours or days entering sheet music into your PC, when MUSICSCAN can accomplish the same task for you in minutes? Once scanned, you can transpose or arrange the music as you like. No matter if you work with MIDI, Multimedia, or both, this program will allow you to work with greater ease and speed.
Euterpe is a magical program that helps you develop an ear for music. Ideal for both home and school.
If your looking for a powerful drum machine for your PC, Hohner Midia has the solution.
Drumatix is a comprehensive MIDI drum program that's ideal for first time users or experienced drum programmers. You'll fall in love with its capabilities; try the Demo!
Pitch to midi converter - Have you ever had a song or melody come to you that you knew would be a hit if only you could write the notes down? Wouldn't it be great if you could just sing or play your instrument into a microphone and have the notes appear before you? For both Windows and Macintosh!
The number one music software worldwide. A must for everyone making midi music. Basic arrangements in minutes to export as midi files. Version 6.0 includes 50 new features. A Killer!!
Midi Karaoke from Tune1000. Great for one man bands. Create full song sets with midi files.
These real time midi files by Barton Price contain feels, variations, feels and fills, and fills alone from single beats to 24 bars. They enable a user to benefit from aspects of drumming that a drummer does instinctively but are very difficult, if not impossible, to program.
Guitar to midi sequencing software.